Monday, May 31, 2010


Wow. It's been a long time since I visited this blog; I even forgot about its existence, starting up numerous other Blogger and WordPress blogs. Blimey, this is from before it merged with Google Accounts! Had to migrate it. Well. That was a surprise.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Horray for Saturday!

Yeh! Its Friday at last! I've been waiting for this all week! Its the weekend! Sat-ur-day!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Welcome to a new blog!

Welcome to my new blog. Yes, I have moved my account from Bravenet to, which means I'm no longer posting in my old blog. No, you do not have to update your bookmarks (favourites) because my old blog will redirect you to the new blog in no time! Thats right, no time! Why? Because I set it you idiot! Anyway, we had a storyteller in school today and he was quite funny. He told us if he was a grumpy and angry person, he would come in like this... and he did!
"Right, sit straight! No! I do not like that hairstyle!" see what I mean?
"I have to tell you that green is my worst colour!" thats our uniform colour!
"So I don't like you, you, you-" get it? Yeh, he was really funny! So funny I wanted him to do it again! Sigh. Time really does fly by, dosen't it?